
Six Months After the Devastating Earthquakes: Continuing Challenges 

In October 2023, four large earthquakes measuring Mww 6.3 each struck Herat, displacing several families who now reside in tents due to the damage caused by the earthquakes and their aftershocks.

Women affected by earthquakes are concerned about the lack of access to medical facilities. They report that they do not have access to health centers in their areas and face numerous problems during childbirth, which put their lives and the lives of their children at risk.

Khan Bibi, lost three family members during the Herat earthquakes and spent a harsh winter in tents, now has shelter but worries about the lack of healthcare for women during childbirth in her area. She says that the absence of a health center threatens the lives of women and children during childbirth.

“The way is very long. It is very difficult for us to reach the clinic. Even there is no doctor.” said Khan Bibi. 

Another woman, Nagar, has lost a relative child due to the lack of healthcare and poor roads in her village.

“A few days ago, a relative’s newborn passed away at a nearby clinic.” said Nagar.


Including access to food, drinking water, sanitation facilities, shelter, cooking kits, medical care, and psychosocial protection services.

2023 Herat earthquakes

• 1,482 dead, 2,100–2,400 injured (October 7 events)

•  3 dead, 169 injured (October 11 event)

• 4 dead, 162 injured (October 15 event)

• 13 injured (October 28 event)

Estimated that between 200,000 to 300,000 people were still living in tents following the earthquake.


Six months post-devastating earthquakes in Herat: Families still in tents, women lack access to crucial medical care, and communities struggle with basic needs.
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