Contribution Guidelines

Thank you for considering contributing to The Afghan Times. We welcome contributions from writers, journalists, photographers, and individuals passionate about human rights, women’s issues, and current affairs in Afghanistan and beyond. To ensure the quality and relevance of submissions, please review the following guidelines:

1. Content Focus:

  • We prioritize articles, essays, opinion pieces, and photojournalism that shed light on human rights issues, women’s rights, social justice, and current events in Afghanistan.
  • Submissions should offer unique perspectives, insights, or personal experiences that contribute to the discourse on important topics.
  • We encourage diversity in viewpoints and voices, but all content must adhere to our editorial standards and values.

2. Originality:

  • Submissions must be original works created by the contributor. Plagiarism or the use of content without proper attribution is strictly prohibited.
  • If your submission has been previously published elsewhere, please disclose this information and ensure you have the necessary rights to republish it on The Afghan Times.

3. Writing Style:

  • Articles should be well-written, engaging, and clear. Use concise language and avoid jargon or overly technical terms.
  • Opinion pieces should be supported by evidence, facts, or personal experiences. Avoid baseless claims or unfounded opinions.
  • Photojournalism submissions should include captions that provide context and relevance to the accompanying images.

4. Length and Format:

  • Articles typically range from 500 to 4,000 words. Longer pieces may be considered if they provide in-depth analysis or investigative reporting.
  • Please submit written content in a Word document or Google Docs format. For photojournalism submissions, high-resolution images in JPEG or PNG format are preferred.

5. Submission Process:

  • To submit your contribution, please email it to with the subject line “Contribution Submission – [Title of Your Piece].”
  • Include a brief author bio (50-100 words) with your submission, along with any relevant links to your personal website, social media profiles, or previous work.
  • Our editorial team will review all submissions and may provide feedback or request revisions before publication.

6. Editorial Rights:

  • The Afghan Times reserves the right to edit, modify, or reject submissions that do not meet our editorial standards or align with our values.
  • By submitting your work to The Afghan Times, you grant us the non-exclusive right to publish, distribute, and promote your content across our platforms.

7. Financial Considerations:

As a small organization with limited funds, we regret that we cannot offer monetary compensation to contributing writers. This limitation particularly affects contributors based in Afghanistan.
We appreciate the dedication and talent of our contributors, and we strive to provide a platform for their voices to be heard.

Thank you for your interest in contributing to The Afghan Times. We appreciate your dedication to amplifying important voices and issues, and we look forward to receiving your submissions. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

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