In Khost province, a group of young people are going from village to village to encourage enrolling school-aged children in schools.
They offer free school photos for children to promote education awareness.
In addition to the city center of Khost, volunteers are visiting various villages in the remote regions of the province. They are encouraging parents to enroll their children, who have reached school age, in local schools.
The youth participating in this campaign are motivated by their desire to raise public awareness and promote education for all children, especially those who have been deprived of it.
The group of young people in Khost has initiated a campaign that primarily focuses on rural areas.
“We always wanted to go to school but we couldn’t because of economic problems,” Ahmad said.

Ahmad adds that they did not have money to take school enrollment photos and his parents are unemployed and cannot pay for their books and other necessary equipment.
The residents of this province hope that this campaign will provide the opportunity to start education for students who are deprived of schools. The goal is to educate people in rural areas about the value of education.
Moreover, the residents of the rural areas of this province also consider this campaign by the volunteer youths very important for the enrolling of deprived children in schools.

The volunteer group members say to have enrolled approximately 15,000 children in schools both last year and this year so far.
UNICEF estimates that 3.7 million children do not attend school in Afghanistan, and 60 percent of them are girls.
Afghanistan’s schools have suffered a lot because of fighting that has lasted for more than 30 years. Many kids, especially girls, can’t finish primary school because it’s very hard for them to do so.