About The Afghan Times

Launched in 2022, The Afghan Times is a young, independent newspaper dedicated to delivering quality public-interest journalism. We publish online daily and provide timely print editions.

Our aim is to bring you stories that often go untold—stories you won’t find elsewhere. We are committed to understanding, and helping our readers understand, the people and events shaping Afghanistan.

Our coverage focuses on a broad range of topics, including women and children, education, everyday life, the environment and climate, sports, and food.

Address: Kabul, Afghanistan


To amplify the voices of Afghan women and people, sharing stories that inspire change, inform the public, and advocate for justice and equality.


To become a leading voice in Afghan journalism, fostering an inclusive and informed society by prioritizing impactful storytelling and empowering marginalized communities.

The Team

Editor-in-Chief: Salma Niazi
Email: Salma.niazi@theafghantimes.com

Reporters: Our brave team of journalists works anonymously inside Afghanistan to ensure their safety.

Support Us

We are a small, independent news outlet owned by Afghan journalists. Your donations empower us to cover our expenses and continue telling important stories. If our work resonates with you, consider supporting us to keep our mission alive and thriving.