Taliban Ordered Women in Kabul to Wear Hijab: “To Save Young Men from Fitna, or Falling into Sin”

The Taliban has announced a new order for the observance of hijab in various districts of Kabul.

The Taliban’s Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice announced today, that the ministry’s ombudsmen discussed the observance of Islamic hijab with the public and business owners during their visits to wedding halls and commercial markets in different districts of Kabul.

“The observance of hijab prevents the spread of perceived impropriety and maintains modesty in the society,” the ministry stated in their X post.

The ministry’s press release adds that “Hijab and Islamic clothing are among the most important provisions for women. They serve to protect the values of women, save young men from fitna, or falling into Sin”

In the press release, the Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice asked women living in Kabul to wear hijabs to prevent the spread of deviance among young men and maintain modesty in society.

The Ministry referred to women who do not wear proper hijab as “limited,” attributing this to the cultural influence of Western countries in Afghanistan.

The ministry also requested that the residents of Kabul perform their prayers on time, conform their character and appearance to prophetic orders, and emphasize the implementation of divine orders.

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